BMW Driver Busted For Using a License Plate Gadget to Avoid $20k in Unpaid Tolls

When we heard old tales about people avoiding paying the toll on a bridge, it usually didn’t end well for them. That is the case for one BMW driver who is in hot water after using a special license plate gadget to conceal his plate and avoid paying the toll when crossing the George Washington Bridge. According to Port Authority, that driver will really have to pay the price.
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The Not-Subtle License Plate Concealer
The driver, Lequincy Anderson, was pulled over by police after allegedly attempting to drive past the toll plaza while activating his 007-esque license plate-concealing device. However, the Port Authority didn’t allow his spy antics to go unnoticed. Following an investigation, authorities discovered that he owed roughly $20,000 in unpaid tolls and fees.
According to his record, Anderson had 292 confirmed unpaid violations accumulating up to $5,167 in owed tolls and another $14,600 in fees.
The illegal gadget that he used was controlled from inside the car. Upon activation, it would lower a cover over his license plate, concealing it from cameras in an attempt to avoid paying the toll. Unfortunately for Anderson, this device wasn’t fool-proof, and his arrest follows the Port Authority’s victory of recovering more than $25 million from toll evaders in 2023.
While this device certainly looks like something out of a James Bond movie, it is still nonetheless a huge penalty. As a result of concealing his license plate, Anderson is facing charges of theft of service, tampering with a government document, and possession of burglar tools.
According to authorities, he also received tickets for improper display of license plates and failure to produce proof of insurance.
Other Huge Fines From Serial Toll Evaders
While the thought of owing $20k in unpaid fines and fees is enough to take your breath away, the Port Authority has managed to catch some toll evaders with fines in the six-figure range!
The EM Padilla Trucking Corp. currently holds the record of owing $201,358 in unpaid tolls and fees. Other companies like JRK Xpress Corp. are on record for owing approximately $185k, and Do 1 Do Right Services for owing $141k.
“With increased patrols and the deployment of more technology across our infrastructure, we will catch toll violators and they will pay what they owe,” Port Authority Chairman Kevin O’Toole said in a statement.